Pamela: Gastric Bypass Weight Loss

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Pamela Gastric Bypass Weight Loss

Since having gastric bypass surgery in July 2012, Pamela has lost 83 pounds. In the Q&A below, Pamela discusses how weight loss surgery has affected her life and habits and offers advice for others considering a bariatric procedure.

What health problems have improved with your weight loss?

Sleep apnea and high blood pressure.

What is your biggest accomplishment since having surgery?

Cut 90 percent of my meds out, stopped smoking and no more c-pap machine

What have you done to make your surgery a lifestyle and not another diet or a quick fix?

Changed my eating habits and joined a gym.

What is your advice to someone looking into weight loss surgery?

Pursue it if you can commit to the changes needed. Look at the positives because there are plenty of detractors.

How has losing weight affected your life?

More energy. Wearing clothes off the rack is awesome.

Do you have any kind words for Dr. Bass and the Gulf Coast Bariatrics Staff?

I can’t say enough about Dr. B and his staff. They are kind, supportive and know your name when you walk through the door. I love them all.