Pam: LAP-BAND Weight Loss

Lost 100 Pounds with adjustable gastric band

Pam lost 100 lbs with lap band

I decided to have lap-band surgery with Dr. Bass due to family history of diabetes and heart disease. If I didn’t lose weight permanently, I was on my way to having these health problems. Once I had the surgery, I didn’t look at this as another diet, I looked at this as an opportunity to learn to do things the right way. Nutrition and exercise are two things that contribute the most to my success. I learned through the wonderful support groups and education meetings how to eat properly. Knowing what to eat, when to eat and the important one, why to eat, were vital to my success.

Once I had a grasp on nutrition, I really started concentrating on exercise. I started by walking everyday for my lunch hour then gradually switched to running. Today, I run on a regular basis and even compete in local competitive races. Whether it’s a charity walk or a local 5K race, its very satisfying crossing the finish line. You feel like you can accomplish anything and feel pride in yourself, things that were new to me.

Reaching my goal weight felt just like crossing one of those finish lines, but it’s not my favorite one. My favorite finish line is stepping on that scale every week and seeing I am not gaining anything back. I plan to cross many more finish lines and hopefully, I will be seeing you there too.