Hope: Gastric Bypass Weight Loss

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Hope lost 114 pounds with Roux-en-Y Gastric bypass 

It has not been a bad year. I had my roux-en-y gastric bypass on July 27th., 2009. Now, I am a new woman, literally. My friends who I haven’t seen in just a month or so have come up to me and asked “May I help you?” I wasn’t immediately recognized. I love it. I am not afraid to step in front of a camera. There are so many new adventures, and everyday a new experience. That is how I find out I can do new things, or things I have not done in years, like tie my shoes, jump, walk up and down stairs, etc. Did I say I used a rolling four wheeled walker for 15 years, my back was not straight, aches and pains all over my body, blood pressure was high, I was a border line diabetic? Now, I walk on two legs, three and a half inches taller, free of all those awful aches ,  taking very little blood pressure medicine (soon will be off of that), and I no longer worry about diabetes.

My personal doctor urged me to get weight reduction surgery because my health was deteriorating to quickly too soon. I have been dieting since a child, and could never get my weight down for any lengthy period of time, that would do me good. I found Dr. Bass in Cape Coral, FL. He was the right man, for the right job, at the right time. I have to admit for what is an embarrassing situation (telling your weight and age), Dr. Bass, Tiffany, and the rest of the crew never once did not treat you without dignity, and respect. Dr. Bass, is a talented Doctor, not only in surgery but with the pen. Whatever he wrote to the insurance company, was approved, and the surgery scheduled. Hooray! It is still one of the best days in my life. I now eat to live, and journal, too. exercise daily, drink plenty of liquids, go to GB support groups, keep busy, and think of myself first. Now, I can truly help others, as Dr. Bass and company has helped me.

I look forward to many happy years ahead…63 years old and getting younger every day.