Eileen: LAP-BAND Weight Loss

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Lost 85 Pounds with adjustable gastric band

Eileen lost 85 pounds with Lap band

I have been extremely overweight my entire life, with my first attempt at weight loss at 10 years old. I have tried every diet, program, system and pill. Sometimes I lost weight and sometimes I didn’t, but always gained it back.

I came to a point in my life where I was 5’2 and 240 pounds. I did not know what else to do or where to go. I was miserable, uncomfortable and unhealthy. After seeing a fellow teacher have success with lapband I decided that surgery was my option. I made an appointment for a seminar, then a consultation with Dr. Bass. The process went quickly and I found myself with a surgery date. WOW!!!!!! Was I excited!

On December 24th 2007 I had my Lapband surgery. I went in wearing a size 20. Well…it is now April of 2009 and I am 85 pounds thinner. I just bought 3 pairs of pants in a size 8. I have never in my life been a size 8. I feel healthy, comfortable, confident and HAPPY! Thanks to Dr. Bass and his wonderful staff I have a life that I am enjoying to the fullest!