Cindy: LAP-BAND Weight Loss

Lost 100 Pounds with Adjustable Gastric Band

Cindy Lost 100 Pounds with LAP-BAND surgery

What can I say…My decision to have lap band surgery was the first time I put myself first in my life. I never knew who I was…I was always someone’s daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother…etc. I put everyone first before myself. This was the first time I put myself first. Can you imagine that I once would have felt I needed to ask permission to do something like this.

When I made the decision to take charge of my life and my weight I never once felt I needed someone’s permission. It was “look I’m having this done and I’m not asking for your opinion. What I ‘gained’ was a true love for myself…something I thought I did, but really did not know how to respect myself and be ok with liking the person I am. I’m a better mother and am proud of the strong role model I am. I not only gained my health but I gained myself. I had put myself down for so many years that I was allowing the people in my life to put me down as well….and I thought that was ok! Now I know that it’s ok to be a strong and assertive woman and I’m liking the new me. My ‘dreams’ are no longer just that…but are now my goals. Not only am I going to be a physical presence in my children’s lives…but an active participant!

So simply if someone asked what did I gain from having this surgery…I would have to answer them “ME”.