Carol: LAP-BAND Weight Loss

Lost 90 Pounds with adjustable gastric band

Carol lost 90lbs with lap band

I will be 62 very soon and my entire life I battle the bulge. I remember my doctor shaking his finger at my mother and saying, “Mother get this child on a diet”, I was 8 years old. As the rest of the professional dieters, I too tried it all. Yes, I would lose weight, but some how I would always find it, plus some.

In November 2006 my friend and I went to Dr. Bass’ information class on bariatric surgery.  When we left the class I said to my friend, “I’m not doing this band thing, I can lose 2lbs per week on my own.” My friend decided the Lap Band was for her. I spoke with Tiffany at Dr. Bass’ office and told her I was just not ready for such an invasive procedure. (Talk about denial)

January 2007 came and I didn’t lose the 2 lbs per week that I knew I could do back in November. My 60th birthday was approaching in March and I continually reflected on my life.  My weight held me prisoner my entire life. My childhood, teenage years and adulthood suffered because of my weight. This weight thing controlled my entire life. It was at this point I decided to go ahead with the Lap Band and end all the madness.

My life began on July 26, 2007, I had the Lap Band procedure. I reached my goal weight exactly 1 year from the date of my Lap Band and I have a new lease on life. First, medically, I was scheduled to have my right hip replaced in October 2008. I canceled the surgery because I am pain free secondary to the weight loss. My cholesterol is down from 262 to 138.  I am off all blood pressure medications and I feel fantastic

Now for the emotional effect. I am high on life, I feel there is nothing that I can’t do. When I walk, I walk with self confidence and I am proud of the way I look and feel. I know some people may say you are who you are regardless of how much you weigh, but for me that is not true.  The excess weight was like an anchor, it held me down form enjoying life, even the very little things. There is no feeling like climbing up the very high slide with my grandchildren and sliding down with them. It is all the little things in life I missed out on, but you can be sure,  I will catch up.

As I enter another phase of my life, I enter it with  pride, self confidence and such an awareness of my self esteem. These will be by golden years.

I want to thank Dr. Bass, Tiffany and all the office staff,  for without them I could have never completed the weigh loss journey. I also want to thank my Tony, his support has always been  100%.

Forever Grateful,
