You Don’t Have To Buy A Whole New Wardrobe

After your weight loss surgery you will, in most cases, lose weight pretty quickly. While you can’t give yourself a whole new wardrobe every 20 pounds, you can set small goals and give yourself small gifts to reward yourself for your great progress.

Here are some suggestions on what to treat yourself to before your goal weight:

  • A manicure, pedicure, or haircut. Personal beauty is fun and doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Even a ten dollar manicure will give you a constant reminder that you are proud of yourself and deserve good things in life.
  • A nightgown or shirt. Even an individual piece of clothing can make a difference when you are trying things on to see what fits. You may end up at the end of your weight loss journey with a shirt in every size from your largest to your smallest. These can remind you how far you’ve come.
  • Shoes. While these may be more of a budgetary investment, buying a pair with some flare and style will put a new spring in your step.

When you treat yourself with small gifts for your successes, it helps to remind yourself that you are worth it. You are making changes in your life that will last forever, and staying excited every step of the way is not only important, it’s what you deserve.