Will There be Pain After Your Weight Loss Surgery?
Wondering what to expect after weight loss surgery? You are taking a major step to improve the quality of your life and your overall health, but it is not a magic formula. Laparoscopic procedures are surgery, so you will need to plan for recovery time and pain management. Understanding what to expect after weight loss surgery will help you prepare for the procedure.
Hospital Time and Recovery
Laparoscopic surgery is minimally invasive, so it requires less recovery time than a more extensive procedure. Depending on the procedure you have, you may leave the same day or spend one to three nights in hospital after your weight loss surgery. Depending on the current state of your health and how smoothly the surgery goes, there is always the possibility of an extra night or two to make sure you are ready to go home.
Once discharged, you continue your recovery at home. There will be restrictions on what you can and can’t do. Your weight loss surgeon, Dr. Bass, will advise you when you can return to work based on what you do for a living. A writer could be back to work within a few days, while a construction worker would be out longer, for example.
You might require help getting around at home, too. The staff will talk to you about your living situation and help decide if someone needs to stay with you.
Pain Management and Wound Care
Pain management is part of the recovery process. The incision site may be uncomfortable. In the hospital, you will be given medication to control your pain, usually a patient controlled system that allows you to get a dose only when you need it.
You will most likely be sent home with some pain medication. Most patients do not need to use it as the discomfort from a laparoscopic procedure is minimal.
Keeping your wound clean is essential to avoid infection and promote healing. Take showers instead of baths to avoid immersing the area in water. When you shower, pat the incisions lightly with a towel to dry them before applying a light dressing.
During your recovery, monitor the wound for discharge and drainage. Look for red areas around the incision and swelling, as well. Severe pain may mean the incision is infected and needs additional treatment. If you see signs of infection, contact your surgeon’s office immediately. Do not attempt to treat it yourself with an over the counter product unless instructed to do so.
Follow the recovery guidelines given to you by the hospital staff, including doing exercises after weight loss surgery to promote healing and manage your pain.