We live in a digital world, and communicating your feelings and expressing your needs to the world no longer requires face to face interaction with the people you know and love. The internet has made it possible to find support and belonging amidst total strangers—people that you have never met and never will meet.
This is a great resource for a lot of people as they try losing weight. Sometimes talking about your personal struggles with obesity is embarrassing, and you may not feel like your friends and family members really understand your struggle. The internet makes it possible to connect with people who do get it; people who have had those same struggles themselves and who are also working through the same issues you are experiencing.
The Value of a Strong Connection
Being a strong communicator is a huge asset during a medical weight loss program. Rather than keeping your stressors to yourself, communicating your questions, hesitations, and personal obstacles with a strong support network can help you to push through a troubled time, rather than giving up on your weight loss goals. Starting a weight loss blog can be a helpful tool in helping you reach your goals.
Keeping a weight loss blog is another form of weight loss journaling. You can use your real name or develop a pseudonym, and log all of your weight loss experiences on a platform that is designed to be shared with the world. Opening comments on your blog and posting the articles on social media can help you develop followers, which creates the opportunity for others to communicate with you about your ideas and share their own experiences in return. By keeping up with your blog daily you can actually create a support network that is available to you anytime and anywhere.
If you don’t think you are a strong enough writer to keep up with a blog, or you just don’t think the idea of putting your thoughts into written words sounds enjoyable, then you may prefer to start a Vlog. A vlog is a video blog, and the same principles apply, but instead of writing your opinions you speak them into your camera. YouTube is full of Vlogs! This is a great alternative to traditional blogging that can help you express your opinions and connect with others.